Updated interior chart for multiple uses, redesigned trifold to match new company branding.
Photography and creation of sales pieces to be used physically and digitally that matched new company branding.
Bifold and 2 separate handouts, one single sided, one two sided.
Designed bifold to match new company branding.
Designed trifold to match new company branding.
Full page magazine ad. Was provided photos and color needs. Had to recreate logo.
Half page mailer. Was only provided logo and text.
Full page flyer and half page mailer. Provided logo and text.
Full page ad. Provided menu items and "featured" text. Created logo and all imagery.
Ad and postcard. Client had no logo.
Quarter page ad, only request was to use a truck
Full page menu ad. Provided menu items. Recreated logo.
Quarter page and 1/3 page ads (1/3 page also used as web ad) Provided basic text. Recreated logo.